The Divine does not know violence

The Divine does not know violence. The ones who use violence in the name of their god actually use violence in their own name and that is and will be their karma. The term ‘Godfearing’ is one of the worst terms used by some religious people , it is not wise and shows a lackContinue reading “The Divine does not know violence”

Finding Yourself

Finding yourself does not mean seeing a new self-image or an archetype and then identifying with it. This is something people can get stuck in when they start their spiritual growth in life. Seeing something can be a ‘teaser’ but when you see it, you are not being it and most identifications are not soContinue reading “Finding Yourself”

The worst sabotage in the world

The worst sabotage in the world comes from men who suppress within themselves what they associate with femininity. It also comes from women who like that kind of men, so they can be their ‘other half’.